Monday, March 7, 2011

Journal 10 (J10): Coleman Project - Personal Documentation

The goal on this Journal Activity is to be supportive of your A05 activities. For J10, create a post on your blog that does all of the following:
  • Links to the blogs of all of your teammates on A05 and your J08 & J09 posts.
  • Reflects on the project as a whole. Wrap it up. What did your team work on? What decisions were made? How did the team work, both organizationally and personally? Etc...
  • Reflects on your personal contributions to the project. What roles did you fulfill? What did you bringt to the table/conversation? What do you feel you did well? What more could you have done to facilitate the project? General feelings on the project? Etc...
The goal is to assist your group in the documentation of the process behind your A05 project.

Post this to your blog with J10 in the title somehow and both the J10 and A05 tags.

Course Reflection 10 (CR10): Course Review

Please write a response to the following question:

What did you think of the Design 200 course this quarter?

You may feel free to format this in any way that you like (sentences, bullet points, whatever). Feel free to comment on things you liked or hated or anything in between. I guarentee that your responses will have no impact on your final grade. They will only be used to make the course better. You can post these to your blogs, or email them directly to me.

Thank you.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Assignment 05 (A05): Coleman for the Home - Grading

As it was stated in the syllabus, A05: Coleman for the home is worth 200 of your final 1000 points. Here is how those points will be determined.

80 points
My evaluation of the group project as a whole.

50 points
The average of your teams Peer Evaluation of you individually.

10 points
Your personal completion of the Peer Evaluation of your team members.

40 points
The average of how your classmates evaluate the group project as a whole.

10 points
Your personal completion of the Group Project Evaluation of the teams that present on Day 01.

10 points
Your personal completion of the Group Project Evaluation of the teams that present on Day 02.

Journal 09 (J09): Coleman Project - Personal Documentation

The goal on this Journal Activity is to be supportive of your A05 activities. For J09, create a post on your blog that does all of the following:
  • Links to the blogs of all of your teammates on A05.
  • Reflects on the state of the project as a whole. What has your team been working on? What decisions have been made? What directions have you been heading in? How has the team been working, both organizationally and personally? Etc...
  • Reflects on your personal contributions to the project thus far. What roles have you been fulfilling? What have you brought to the table/conversation? What do you feel you have been doing well? What more could you be doing to facilitate the forward progress of the project? General feelings on the project? Etc...
  • Documents the work being done on the project. Do you have scans of sketches you have done? Photographs of work happening? Notes, minutes, outlines, mind-maps, drafts, ideations, images, time-lines, goals, or any other evidence of the project's progress thus far? Etc...
The goal is to assist your group in the documentation of the process behind your A05 project.

Post this to your blog with J09 in the title somehow and both the J09 and A05 tags.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good news and bad news.

First the bad...
Many of you have come to me and asked for extensions on assignments for one reason or another. If you are among these students...

I will no longer be accepting any of the previously arranged extensions after Monday, 28 February.

As of 1:00 PM on 23 February, I have graded everything that I know about. If you are missing a grade in Carmen for anything you think you turned in please use the same structure that I outlined in the previous "Grades all caught up" post that was published on 25 January.

Now the good...
You have all been working very hard in class this quarter, and in general I am pretty happy with the results and outcomes that have come out of this blogging experiment that we have been on together. Partially as a thank you, but also to allow you to put your full efforts into the Coleman project, I have decided to do the following:

  • Course Reflection 08 (CR08) has been cancelled. The full 10pts have already been added to your grades in Carmen.
  • Course Reflection 09 (CR09) has been cancelled. The full 10pts have already been added to your grades in Carmen.
  • Reading Reflection 09 (RR09) has been cancelled. The full 10pts have already been added to your grades in Carmen.
  • Reading Reflection 10 (RR10) has been cancelled. The full 10pts have already been added to your grades in Carmen.
This means you have all been given 40 free points in the course.

Journals 08, 09, and 10 will stil be due as previously scheduled.
Reading Reflection 08 is still due on Monday, 28 February as previously scheduled.
Course Reflection 10 will still be due as previously scheduled.

To avoid confusion, these changes have been made to the Course Calendar. Please refer to it as there will be little tolerance at this point in the quarter for late assignments.

Day 16: A basic framework.

Agenda for today:

  • General announcements.
  • Sign the attendance sheet, if you do not, I do not know you are here.
  • Get into your groups and get working on A05

After 15-20 minutes, I will start coming around to all the groups to talk to each team about where they are in the process. This discussion will start with your team telling me the answers to the following questions. Your team should be prepared to answer these quickly and concisely. Think "elevator speech."

  • Who is coleman as your team sees them?
  • Who is the user your team is targeting?
  • Why does Coleman care about this user? How do you connect the user to Coleman?
  • What user need(s) are you addressing or what user problem(s) are you aiming to solve?
  • Why would Coleman be interested in addressing this need?

The questions can be answered in any order you like, but they all must be answered today. Only after answering these questions will I then listen to ideas of product, packaging, kiosk, or team issues, etc...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Assignment 05 (A05): Coleman for the Home - Example

Coleman Example Presentation
View more presentations from Gabe Tippery.

This example is a sort of "middle of the road" example. It is good, but there are things that could still be better about it. All names have been removed for privacy.

For example:

  • the kiosk could have a bit more storage for product. Or they could have better explained where the additional product might be in relation to this kiosk.
  • the team could have SHOWN the user rather than just explained in text.
Things they did really well though:

  • Nice, organized story to their presentation.
  • Consideration for the packaging to have a continued use.
  • Overall visual unity to the entire proposal.
  • Good balance of showing their process versus their end results. They did not show every step of their process, but they explained where important ideas came from.
  • Really nice visuals and a realistic product, that also fit into a nice niche.
I hope that this example helps give you all a better idea of where this is heading.