You can use the below calendar to propose times to meet.
To start, drag the curser along the calendar to mark MULTIPLE times when you are available to meet. If you accidentally paint times when you are unavailable, drag over those times to un-paint them.
Then click the purple Step 2: Meeting Details button.
Fill in the next screen as follows:
Meeting Subject: Dsgn200 - Your Name
Meeting Location: Hayes 210
Who are you? Section: Put your info here. Pretty straight forward.
Anything else to add?: Write a brief outline of what you are wanting to discuss at the meeting. An example might be "I am concerned about my grade for A02 and would like to discuss options for making up the assignment."
Then click the purple Send Invitation button. You will receive a confirmation email of your invitation. You will then receive another email after I select a time that works well for me.