
This course is an introduction to the rationale of design. This includes a systematic examination of the process, practice and profession of design. Included will be an introduction to the educational program offered by the Department of Design.

This is a progress-oriented course that requires active student participation. Class meets two days a week for 1.75 hours each day. The course is comprised of lectures, presentations, research, assignments and exams.

This course will help students begin to grow in their knowledge and understanding of design. The aim of this course is to foster enthusiasm and awareness through an introduction of the methodology and pragmatics associated with the field of design.

Subject Matter
  • Introduce the fundamental history of design.
  • Explore the definition of “Design.”
  • Discuss design practice and processes in the field. 
  • Overview of ethical and legal issues surrounding design practice.
  • Discuss global, environmental and cultural issues related to the field of design.
  • Introduction towards developing an objectivity of design.
  • Design education, and the three majors in the undergraduate program offered in the Department of Design at OSU.
  • Application procedures for the Design program at OSU.

Grading & Evaluation
This course will be graded according to the OSU Standard Scale.
Late assignments will NOT be accepted without 24 hours of prior approval!

A (100 – 93)     A- (92 – 90)     B+ (89 – 87)     B   (86 – 83)     B- (82 – 80)
C+ (79 – 77)     C  (76 – 73)     C-   (72 – 70)    D+ (69 – 67)     D  (66 – 60)    
E    (59 – 0)

Grade Outline
This course will be graded out of a total of 1000 points. They break down as follows:

Assignments: 60% (600 points total)
  1. Blog Set-Up: 100 points
  2. Designer Investigation: 100 points
  3. Scavenger Hunt: 100 points
  4. Letterform Seek & Find: 100 points
  5. Coleman for the Home: 200 points

Journal Activities: 20% (200 points total)
  • There will be ten (10) weekly activities that will be assigned to be completed. These will be designed to open the students eyes to Design in everyday life. Each Journal Activity will be announced through the blog. Please refer to the Calendar for due dates and links to the individual Journal Activity description. 20 points each.

Reading Reflection: 10% (100 points total)
  • There will be ten (10) weekly reading assignments that the student will need to reflect upon. The intent of these reflections will be to both prove that the reading is being completed and to encourage personal reflection on the relevance of the readings to Design and the student's everyday activities. Please refer to the Calendar, the required reading is listed for each week. 10 points each.

Course Reflection: 10% (100 points total)
  • There will be ten (10) weekly reflections based on the content presented in class. The intent of these reflections will be to encourage personal reflection on the relevance of the course content to Design and the student's everyday activities. Please refer to the Calendar10 points each.

Students are responsible for attending all scheduled lectures and guest speaker presentations, as well as taking notes in class.
Attendance will be taken in class. Only under extreme conditions will absences be excused without at least 24 hours prior approval.

There will be two (2) UNEXCUSED absences allowed, after which every unexcused absence will result in lowering of the final grade by one (1) letter grade.

It is the student's responsibility to get any assignments or notes related to class absence.

Required Texts
Design A Short Introduction 
By: John Heskett
Publisher: Oxford University Press, 2005.
ISBN: 0192854461

Cradle To Cradle
By: William McDonough and Michael Braungart.
Publisher: North Point Press, 2002.
ISBN: 0865475873

Special Accommodations
If you need accommodation based on the impact of disability, contact the Office of Disability Services for assistance in verifying your need for accommodation and developing accommodation strategies. 

You are encouraged to contact them directly at (614) 292-6207 or (614) 292-0901 or e-mail: and notify your instructor.

Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct is defined as “any activity which tends to compromise the academic integrity of the institution, or subvert the educational process.” Please refer to rule 3335-31-02 in the student code of conduct for examples of academic misconduct. Any cases of academic misconduct will be referred to the Committee on Academic Misconduct.

Fine Print
This course outline and content are subject to change at any time 
according to the discretion of the instructor or the department.