Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Journal 01 (J01) & Course Reflection 01 (CR01)

DUE: Monday, 10 January 2011 by the beginning of class.

For J01: Introduce yourself to the world.
Create a blog post introducing yourself. Write a bit about who you are, your interests, where your from, etc.. While it is not needed to include personal information that you are not comfortable sharing, do try to include things that will help your classmates relate to you.
For example: While I might not be comfortable stating that I am from Melrose, Wi, I might state that I am from a small, rural village in Western Wisconsin.

For CR01: What are you hoping to get out of Dsgn200 this quarter?
Write a short statement about why you are taking this course. What are you interested in within the design topic? What are you looking forward to so far? Are you intending to major/minor in Design? Are you just taking this for fun? Any concerns or reservations you have about the course? How did you hear about the course? These are the types of questions you might try to address.

These may both be addressed in a single post.

Please use the "J01" & "CR01" tags/labels to identify this post so that I will know what post to grade for this assignment.

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