Monday, February 21, 2011

Assignment 05 (A05): Coleman for the Home


Coleman is the world’s leading manufacturer of camping gear and outdoor equipment, including tents, lanterns, stoves, coolers and sleeping bags. You have been tasked to create a concept proposal to launch Coleman into the HOME GOODS market. 

There will be three components to this proposal:
1) Conception of a new manufactured product.
2) Conception of the packaging of the product.
3) Conception of a small “pop-up” point-of-sale kiosk.


1) Form teams and exchange names and contact information.

2) Research and discuss what you think about when you think about Coleman products:
- Types of products.
- Types of users.
- Impressions of brand and products.
- Possible areas of the home they can expand into.

3) Brainstorm and Define:
The user your team  will be designing for.
- Who are they and what needs do they have that you can address?
The product type your team will be designing.

4) Ideation of the three parts of the project:
The product    The packaging The kiosk

5) Concept Refinements. Narrow the best aspects of your ideations  into one concept including each of the three parts. Remember to focus on the overall unity of the parts, as well as the intended user and the Coleman brand.

6) Finalize your three part concept and present it in the best way you can. Utilize your teams abilities and resources to produce visuals (sketches, collages, models, etc...) that tell the story of the user and their relationship to your product, packaging, and point-of-sale kiosk to the best of your team’s abilities.
Each team will have 10 minutes to present their concept to the class.

Presentation Order / Due Dates

Presentations will be in class Monday, March 07 & Wednesday, March 09.

As groups were determined through random card selection, presentations will be given in numeric order with Aces high. This means that on Monday, March 07, Groups 2-8 will present and on Wednesday, March 09, Groups 9-A will present.

All documentation of Process and Presentation, along with team evaluations, will be due by 5:18 PM Monday, March 14.
Documentation of Process and Presentation will be turned in via Carmen Dropbox. One person on each team will be responsible for turning in the Documentation of Process and Presentation on behalf of their entire group.

Team Evaluations will be done online. (more info to come about these) Every person will be responsible for turing in one evaluation for every member of their group, including themselves (a self evaluation).

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